Simply follow Dooley's seven steps to an amazing life:
1. Understand Your Power: Not understanding the nature of our reality, and hence our power and its source, is the number one reason people actually "fail." With understanding, doubt is banished, confidence soars, and living deliberately becomes automatic.
2. Chart Your Course: Taking stock of where you now are, no matter where you are, and answering three simple questions will reveal what you can immediately begin doing to bring about major life changes--even if you don't yet know exactly what you want.
3. Take Action and Delegate: Knowing what you can, should, and must do--versus what you mustn't ever do, what you must delegate--is crucial in leveraging the Universe and engaging life's magic.
4. Leverage the Universe: Beyond having a vision and physically moving with it, learning how to playfully use your thoughts, words, and deeds will bring exponential returns on your effort.
5. Align Your Beliefs: There's no need to figure out what invisible beliefs now limit you; they are invisible, after all! Instead, simply know what you want your beliefs to be, align them with your dreams, and begin installing them.
6. Engage the Magic: Starting and persisting make possible the critical yet unpredictable evolution of events, circumstances, and ideas that will ultimately bring about your dream's manifestation.
7. Adjust Your Sails: Even though you're now under full sail and your journey is progressing, there will not likely be any trace of "land on the horizon." Here's how to assure you're on course, in spite of appearances.
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"A fabulous book! Mike has been in the trenches with his dreams dashed, and yet he came back. This book tells how he did it and how anyone can do it. I highly recommend Leveraging the Universe. It’s instructional and inspiring!" - Marci Schimoff, author of Happy For No Reason
Mike Dooley is an international tax accountant turned entrepreneur turned writer for "the Universe." His Notes from the Universe™ emails go out to more than 370,000 subscribers, and have since spun off into books, calendars, greeting cards, and world tours. As the bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities and Manifesting Change, with works translated into twenty-five languages, and a featured teacher in The Secret book and DVD, Dooley is actively using the concepts and principles he expounds upon to travel the world, speaking on life, dreams, and happiness.