Tibetan Sound Healing

Tibetan Sound Healing: Seven Guided Practices to Clear Obstacles, Cultivate Positive Qualities, and Uncover Your Inherent Wisdom, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. One of the world's oldest unbroken spiritual traditions is the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. This wisdom path has survived thanks to the efforts of a handful of dedicated lamas, such as Bön lineage holder Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Now, with Tibetan Sound Healing, we can connect to the ancient sacred sounds of the Bön practice--and through them, activate our healing potential.

The Bön healing tradition invokes the Five Warrior Syllables--"seed" sounds that bring us to the essential nature of mind, and release the boundless creativity and positive qualities that are fundamental to it. Through the medicine of sound, we can clear obstacles from our body, our energy and emotions, and the subtle sacred dimensions of our being. In this integrated book-and-CD learning program, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche gives us the tools to access wisdom and compassion, and use the vibration of sacred sound to purify our body, connect with our inherent perfection and completeness, and awaken spiritual virtue. Includes Guided CD

Bön spiritual master Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche guides you in the use of each of the Five Warrior Syllables, then teaches key practices to harness the medicine of these sacred sounds for purification, vitality, and awakening your natural mind. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is the founder and resident teacher of Ligmincha Institute in Virginia, and was one of the first lamas to bring the Bön Dzogchen teachings to the West. He lived and studied with Tibetan masters of Bön Buddhism from the age of thirteen until completing an eleven-year course of traditional studies at the Bönpo Monastic Center, Dolanji, Himachal Pradesh, India. Rinpoche is the author of several books, including Healing with Form, Energy, and Light: The Five Elements in Tibetan Shamanism, Tantra, and Dzogchen and Awakening the Sacred Body. Click here for more information or to order.