Shamanism: The Book of Journeys

Shamanism: The Book of Journeys, by Robert Levy and Eve Bruce. This wonderful book launches the reader onto a comprehensive journey through the many worlds of the shaman. Eve Bruce and Robert Levy are experienced guides who lift the veils and allow us to open ourselves to the wisdom, power, and energy of these most ancient and very contemporary practices. Shamanic journeys are doorways to parallel realities. Within these worlds, the journeyer will find helping spirits capable of guiding us towards the goals or dreams we have for ourselves, personally and collectively. These worlds will offer you information about existing dilemmas and show you new possibilities for living a more fulfilling life. This is also a healing world and can help heal and soothe your mind, body, and your personal spirit or soul. The text will assist those of you who are learning on your own with the help of your spirit guides and provide continued study for those who have begun the path. It is for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. It is for healers who wish to introduce shamanic healing into their practice and it is a self guided tour because the true teachers of shamanism lie within and around you.

Robert Levy has been a Reiki Master and shamanic practitioner in the US for over a decade. He has studied with many western shamans as well as those from Brazil, Peru and Ecuador. Eve Bruce has studied with indigenous elders from several continents. She was the first non-indigenous woman to be inducted into the circle of Andean Birdpeople Shamans or Yachaks.