World of Shamanism: New Views of an Ancient Tradition

World of Shamanism: New Views of an Ancient Tradition, by Roger Walsch. After decades of being demonized by clergy, diagnosed by psychiatrist, and dismissed by academics, shamanism is thriving. So, what is fueling the West's new fascination with shamanism? You'll find the answer and more in this objective exploration of shamanism and its place in contemporary life. Dr. Roger Walsh leaves no stone unturned as he examines shamanistic traditions throughout history, and how they intersect with modern psychology and metaphysical studies. Are shamans enlightened or psychotic? Decide for yourself as Dr. Walsh unveils the life and mind of this revered figure. Delve into shamanic practices-healing, altered states of consciousness, journeying, channeling, vision quests-and discover if, how, and why they actually work. This cross-cultural, all-encompassing perspective will help you understand shamanism-its impact throughout history and its significance today.