The Tao of Piercing

The Tao of Piercing: Ancient Wisdom for Contemporary Health And Pleasure, by Jeanne Elizabeth Blum. Energy is a commodity these days. If you are a person who has had your body pierced or are thinking of getting your body pierced, this book has solid and timely advice on how to enhance your body energy rather than deplete it. The Tao of Piercing teaches ancient methods based on acupuncture points of how to use the 'art of conscious piercing' to overcome various energy problems such as PMS, headaches, anxiety, etc. You will discover which metals to use in which places and how these metals act as antennas that generate 'points of light' in your body. Key energy points that enhance and shift your body energy and how to get a piercing that will amplify life energy and overcome stagnant energy are described, complete with detailed charts and graphs.

Acupressure expert Jeanne Blum, author of Woman Heal Thyself, began investigating the history of piercing in the early 1990s and discovered that piercing has had medicinal and historical roots in cultures ranging from the ancient Chinese, Egyptians, and Romans, to Pacific Islanders and Mayans.