
Vocations, by Noel Tyl. People spend more of their lifetime working than doing anything else. A job is important not just for survival but also for a sense of personal fulfillment. Choosing the right vocation means having the ability to support yourself financially as well as gaining a sense of significance and success. Seeing the vocation's profile within the horoscope has been one of the most difficult tasks astrologers encounter, burdened with laborious details. Now, for the first time ever, master astrologer Noel Tyl presents the "Midheaven Extension Process," a highly innovative approach to vocational astrology that is elegant in its simplicity and relevance to the modern job culture. Vocations: The New Midheaven Extension Process is a much-needed guide that will change forever the process for vocational consulting.

Noel Tyl is one of the foremost astrologers in the world. His twenty textbooks have guided astrologers for two generations, and his lecture activities reach out through sixteen countries and some 200,000 miles a year. Tyl has written the definitive professional manual in the astrology counseling field, the 1,000 page Synthesis & Counseling In Astrology; is consulted regularly by individuals and corporations throughout the world, and directs the Masters Degree Correspondence Course for Certification of professional astrologers from his office in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Tyl, a Harvard University graduate, is also the Presiding Officer of AFAN ( The Association for Astrological Networking), astrologys world organization. His most recent titles include Solar Arcs, Predictions for a New Millennium, and Astrology of Intimacy, Sexuality, & Relationship, all published by Llewellyn Publications.