Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating

Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating, by Jane Goodall, Gary McAvoy, and Gail Hudson. Renowned scientist and bestselling author Jane Goodall delivers an eye-opening and empowering book that explores the social and personal significance of what we eat. In Harvest For Hope, Jane Goodall presents an empowering and far-reaching vision for social and environmental transformation through the way we produce and consume the foods we eat. In clear, well-organized chapters that include The Organic Boom and Thinking Globally, Eating Locally, readers will discover the dangers behind many of today's foods, along with the extraordinary individual and worldwide benefits of eating locally grown, organic produce. For anyone who has ever wanted to know how they can take a stand for a more sustainable world, Harvest For Hope reveals the healthy choices that will support the greater good.