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Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization, by Shirley Andrews. ISBN 156718023X. You know of it through song and legend; the golden civilization of Atlantis, which sank into the cold depths of the sea ages ago. But few know the truth about Atlantis--or the geological and metaphysical evidence that suggest it really did exist. What have scholars unearthed of Atlantis' society and history? How about its mystical and religious beliefs, art and architecture, and its people's knowledge of science and healing? Is it possible that the tremendous achievements of the Atlanteans were aided by extraterrestrial contact? This book offers us a compelling new look at a legendary country once situated on the Atlantic Ridge. The author has traveled extensively to conduct her own comprehensive research, which she synthesizes with the work of hundreds of other Atlantis researchers: classical and modern scholars, scientists and respected psychics like Edgar Cayce.
Lemuria and Atlantis: Studying the Past to Survive the Future, by Shirley Andrews. ISBN 0738703974. The mysterious civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis become reality as Shirley Andrews, the author of Atlantis: Insights From a Lost Civilization combines details from scholars, scientists and the respected psychic Edgar Cayce. Her sober portrayal of disturbing parallels between the spiritual decay of Atlantis and our modern world, and her reasonable explanations for the vivid dreams and past life memories recounted by numerous people about life on the lost lands enhance this fascinating book.
Shirley Andrews (Massachusetts) has had a passionate life-long interest in prehistory, and has conducted research both in the U.S. and at the British Museum Library in London. Her investigations have led her to ancient monasteries high in the Himalayas, the Azores, the Andes, Central America, and the Tio Bustillo cave in Spain. She has appeared on numerous radio programs and gives popular lectures on Atlantis.
Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, by Edgar Evans Cayce, Hugh Lynn Cayce. ISBN 0446351024. Drawing on his own extraordinary Life Readings, Cayce sheds light on the legendary lost continent of Atlantis and predicts its reemergence. Within the context of reincarnation, he offers astonishing evidence of an Atlantean civilization, providing us with empowering insights as we enter the new age, as well as startling revelations that can help you resolve current problems and redirect your future.
The Atlantis Blueprint: Unlocking the Ancient Mysteries of a Long-Lost Civilization, by Colin Wilson, Rand Flem-Ath. ISBN 0440508983. The Great Pyramid. Stonehenge. Machu Picchu. For centuries, these and other sacred sites have attracted pilgrims, scholars, and adventurers drawn by the possibility that their true spiritual and technological secrets remain hidden. Who could have built these elaborate monuments? How did they do it? And what were their incomprehensible efforts and sacrifices designed to accomplish? Now comes a revolutionary theory that connects these mysteries to reveal a hidden global pattern--the ancient work of an advanced civilization whose warnings of planetary cataclysm now reverberate across one hundred millennia. Here is startling evidence of an intelligent society dating back as much as 100,000 years--one that sailed the oceans of the world, building monuments to preserve and communicate its remarkable wisdom.
The Atlantis Blueprint is the authors’ term for a complex network of connections between these sacred sites that trace back to Atlantis: a sophisticated maritime society that charted the globe from its home base in Antarctica...until it was obliterated by devastating global changes it anticipated but could not escape. Opening up a Pandora’s box of ancient mysteries, lost worlds, and millennial riddles, The Atlantis Blueprint is a story as controversial, fascinating, dangerous--and inspiring--as any ever told.
When the Sky Fell: In Search of Atlantis, by Rand Flem-Ath. ISBN 0312964013. The mystery of Atlantis the legendary advanced civilization described in ancient texts, has been solved at last. Scientific evidence, exciting new research, and the breakthrough discovery of an amazing Egyptian map prove without a doubt that this lost continent did exist...and reveal where its ruins can be found. But the fascinating truth about Atlantis also leads to a chilling conclusion about the environmental catastrophe that destroyed it. Now you can find out how the forces that shattered the first great civilization on Earth can happen again, bringing the end of the world to us all!
Atlantis from a Geographer's Perspective, by Ulf Erlingsson. ISBN 0975594605. "Using classic scientific methodology, Erlingsson takes all the descriptions, measurements and geography described in 'Critias' to come up with his match." Illustrations: 30 maps, plans and photographs.
Survivors Of Atlantis: Their Impact on the World, by Frank Joseph. ISBN 1591430402. Archaeologists have long puzzled over the evidence suggesting highly sophisticated copper mining activities in the area of the Great Lakes some 5,000 years ago. Menomonie Indian tradition speaks of fair skinned mariners who had come in the past to "dig out the shiny bones" of the Earth Mother. Plato, meanwhile, recorded that Atlanteans provided an exceptionally high grade of copper that was no longer available in his time. In this sequel to The Destruction of Atlantis, Frank Joseph argues that the Menomonie Indians' mariners were Atlanteans and that the destruction of Atlantis by war and natural catastrophe brought about the end of Bronze Age civilization. Furthermore, Atlantis's survivors dispersed to all sides of their former island empire into Western Europe, the Near East, and North and South America.
In Survivors of Atlantis Frank Joseph provides an in-depth study of the Atlantean war and the intimate connections it had with the last of four great cosmic catastrophes generated by the cyclical return of a comet and its debris. This quartet of natural disasters was followed by mass migrations recorded in the histories of such diverse peoples as the Incas of Peru, the Celtic Irish, the Classical Greeks, and the Aztecs of Mexico. Where the archaeology, mythology, astronomy, and geology of these cultures coincide, a common thread is exposed: Atlantis. Joseph shows that the fate of the Atlantean empire is the story of early civilization and reveals Atlantis to be a credible part of the world's history.
Atlantis Rising: The Struggle of Darkness and Light, by Patricia Cori. ISBN 0595202039. Why does Atlantis, the lost civilization believed to have ended in destruction over thirteen thousand years ago, continually resurface in our collective consciousness? This probing work delves into the causes and effects of the contrasting forces that were at work in Atlantis, drawing a parallel to our modern earth society and the challenges that are being created by a power elite whose purpose it is to limit humanity’s potential and hold Earth hostage for their secret, private agendas. This, the second volume of The Sirian Revelations, describes the unrecorded history of humanity, with a particular emphasis on how and why the great Atlantean civilization was manipulated by an alien culture, leading to its demise. We are shown how our true destiny, the reclaiming of our freedom as individuals and as guardians of Planet Earth, is being compromised by methods and technologies that are frighteningly similar to those used against our ancestors. By examining the fall of Atlantis, the book declares, we can understand what is needed now to alter the outcome of our own reality and release ourselves from the hold of the Power … realizing our potential as free-willed, conscious participants of our evolving world.
Egypt: Child of Atlantis: A Radical Interpretation of the Origins of Civilization, by John Gordon. ISBN 1591430232. This book asserts that the civilization of Egypt existed far longer than is commonly believed and was structured around forms of cosmic knowledge that involved astronomical and geographical competence that modern science has yet to attain. Building on evidence of the prehistoric existence of an ancient worldwide religious culture that extended all the way to Tibet and China, John Gordon traces the origins of Egyptian culture to the legendary lost continent of Atlantis. Based on an understanding of the Precession of the Equinoxes and its inextricable connection to human evolution and divine purpose, he concludes that the sacred science of the ancient Egyptians was the legacy left to them by "fallen star gods," conscious divine beings who founded Atlantis.
Egyptologists contend that ancient Egypt was a civilization obsessed with death, that its greatest monuments were tombs, and that its history dates back only some 5,000 years. In contrast Gordon suggests this civilization to have been 50,000 years older. Furthermore, he contends that Egypt was originally not a society obsessed with death, but one that saw in life and death an initiatory transition. This idea was followed by the entire population, which was attuned to the form and nature of cosmic evolution at all levels of being, from the highest to the most mundane.
Atlantis Rediscovered, by Jacques Hebert. ISBN 1592090397. This book offers a step-by-step disputation of the myth of Atlantis. It takes the reader through a detailed analysis of the Platonic dialogues, uncovering a probable misunderstanding of a transcript of an Egyptian priest that Plato relied on. This leads the author to conclude that the Atlantic people probably did not die out entirely but more likely were the ancestors of the Phoenicians' highly successful maritime civilization.
The Destruction of Atlantis: Compelling Evidence of the Sudden Fall of the Legendary Civilization, by Frank Joseph. ISBN 1879181851. All human cultures, from classical and biblical to native North and South American, share the myth of an ancient deluge, often coinciding with a rain of fire from the heavens. What accounts for this shared myth of environmental catastrophe? Now, in The Destruction of Atlantis, author Frank Joseph links this worldwide cultural phenomenon to the story of the lost civilization of Atlantis, which in a single day and night disappeared into the sea in a violent cataclysm.
In the most comprehensive account of this legendary island, Joseph provides compelling evidence that Atlantis was at the root of all subsequent human civilizations. Brilliantly refuting years of modern skepticism, Joseph combines evidence from archaeology, geology, astronomy, and ancient lore to locate Atlantis in the context of Near Eastern Bronze Age society at the end of the 13th century B.C. The author seamlessly combines hard scientific evidence with a stunning imaginative re-creation of what it must have been like to walk the streets of Atlantis in its last days. The resulting portrait of a mighty empire corrupted by an overreaching lust for wealth and power offers an important lesson to our own materialistic civilization poised on the brink of ecological disaster.
Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt: The Secret History Hidden in the Valley of the Kings, by Graham Phillips. ISBN 1591430097. In Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt, Graham Phillips explores the excavation of a mysterious and ritually desecrated tomb in the Valley of the Kings, Tomb 55, which he contends holds the key to the true history of the destruction of Atlantis. Unlike other Egyptian tombs designed to keep intruders out, Tomb 55 was constructed to keep something imprisoned within, specifically Smenkhkare, the older brother of Tutankhamun who was deemed responsible for the ten plagues in Egyptian history, to prevent such tragedies from ever happening again. The forensic findings from this tomb coupled with compelling new evidence from the polar ice caps provide sensational evidence that the parting of the Red Sea, the deaths of the first born, and the other plagues that afflicted Egypt were all actual historical events.
Core samples from the polar ice caps indicate that a gigantic volcanic eruption took place in the eastern Mediterranean around the time of Amonhotep's reign. Other research suggests this to have been the time of the eruption that destroyed the Greek island of Thera, one of the likely locations of Atlantis, and that the subsequent cataclysm may explain the unusual lack of resistance to the new religion installed by Amonhotep's son, Akhenaten, when he took power several years later.
From Atlantis to the Sphinx, by Colin Wilson. ISBN 1578633060. In this compelling book, Colin Wilson argues that thousands of years before ancient Egypt and Greece held sway, there was a great civilization whose ships traveled the world from China to Antarctica. Their advanced knowledge of science, mathematics, and astronomy was passed on to the descendants who escaped to Egypt and South America. From Atlantis to the Sphinx bases this assertion on a true fact; that archaeologists and geologists are at odds over the age of the Sphinx. Archaeologists claim that the Sphinx dates to classical dynastic Egypt, around 2,400 B.C. But some geologists claim that it could have been built as early as 7,000 to 10,500 B.C. The geologists’ claim is based on the curious fact that the erosion of the Sphinx is more characteristic of water erosion than that of wind and sand.
Starting from the assumption that there was an advanced civilization in existence much easier than previously thought, Wilson goes on to claim that it could very well be Atlantis – not a literal island that sank, but more of a great civilization that either declined naturally or experienced a great catastrophe, passing on only a fraction of its knowledge to other peoples. From Atlantis to the Sphinx delves into what might have been a completely different knowledge system from that of modern man – one as alien to us as that of the Martians. The book sets out to reconstruct that ancient knowledge in a fascinating exploration of the remote depths of history – a ground-breaking attempt to understand how these long-forgotten peoples thought, felt, and communicated with the universe.
Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Lemuria: The Lost Civilizations in the Light of Modern Discoveries, by Frank Joseph. ISBN 0876044348. Twenty-four centuries after Plato left us his intriguing remarks about Atlantis, Edgar Cayce began to talk, in an altered psychic state, about a lost civilization on Lemuria, Atlantis' Pacific precurser. Frank Joseph now takes a look, via archeology and other fields, at how modern discoveries are bolstering the idea that Atlantis and Lemuria really existed, the disturbing parallels between those civilizations and our own, and what those parallels may be telling us.
The New View over Atlantis, by John F. Michell. ISBN 050027312X. The View Over Atlantis, John Michell's unrivaled introduction to megalithic science, earth mysteries, and the inner meaning of number and measure, was described by Colin Wilson as "one of the great seminal books of our generation—a book which will be argued about for decades to come." Across much of the globe are ancient earthworks and stone monuments built for an unknown purpose. Their shared features suggest that they were originally part of a worldwide system, and John Michell argues that they served the elemental science of the archaic civilization that Plato referred to as Atlantis. In this connection the most significant modern discovery is that of "leys," the mysterious network of straight lines that link the ancient places of Britain and have their counterparts in China, Australia, South America, and elsewhere. John Michell's studies of ancient measures have enabled him to define their exact values. The same units recur in the dimensions of monuments all over the world, from Stonehenge to Teotihuacán, and reveal the builders' knowledge of the size and shape of the spheroidal earth, and with it the outlines of their cosmology. 82 b/w illustrations.
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